Coming down the "hill" at end of the last workout at the quals.
I competed in the Northern California Crossfit Regional Qualifiers last weekend. Regions from all over the country and a couple through out the world have been competing all month for spots to the Crossfit Games. They have been taking the top 5 men and women from each region. Last weekend was the Nor Cal Quals. They put the competitors through 3 brutal workouts. I was able to do fairly well in the first two workouts and able to win the last workout, which was crazy. They awarded points for your placement in the workouts. In the end I was awarded the Second Place Medal, but more importantly a spot to the Crossfit Games in Aromas, Ca. on July 10-12. I wanted to post a link to a video off the Crossfit main page. It is a video of the Last Workout, it is about 5 minutes but pretty entertaining. Crossfit is turning into a sport for alot of people. Watch for it on ESPN in about 5 years.
Here is the Work out from the Last day.
22 deadlifts @ 315#/185#
Farmers walk with 45#/25# dumbbells to top of inner loop (hill)
22 thrusters with 45#/25# dumbbells
Farmers walk with 45#/25# dumbbells to bottom of inner loop (hill)
Run to pull-up bar and do 22 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Run to top of outer loop (hill)
22 overhead squats @ 95#/65#
Run to bottom of inner loop (hill
Here is Today's WOD from
6 rounds for time:
3 Reps Locked Overhead (anyway possible) 185 lbs
6 Pull Ups (Chest to Bar)
9 Push Ups (Clapping)
Post times to comments.
Beginner use 95lbs
intermediate use 135lbs.
“I play real sports…not trying to be the best at exercising.”
ReplyDeleteKenny Powers